1982 years after the clash between the factions known as the 'Purging War', all beings have forgotten what happened of the past.
Basic knowledge has been preserved, but only through books. The victorious were the humans, the vanquished the rebellious demons and angels.
No name was preserved from the vanquished side, only the human hero, Elliott, remained remembered and prayed upon by some.
His seal still in place, no one was able to free him. Around his crystal remains, humans built a temple, believing their hero would one day return.
After all this time, out of the 1.618 layers of seal, only 58 remains. Unknown to the world, the Unforgiving Elliot was close to being free from his prison.
During that time, somewhere in the world, a mysterious pillar of silver and gold hue descended upon the Forest of Albriar, at the center of the continent.
Chapter end